Meeting Rooms

Thank you for choosing one of our meeting rooms at the McIntosh Memorial Library (hereafter known as Library). The meeting rooms are available to organizations that wish to promote an open forum for knowledge, ideas, and cultural enrichment. Meeting room requests should be made by using our online reservation service at  You can also contact Library Director Trina Erickson at [email protected] or calling (608) 637-7151 extension 3.


The meeting rooms are primarily designed for Library programs and use.  The Library meeting rooms are available for public use as indicated below. The rooms are available on a first-come basis. Please note the rooms are not available prior to the Library opening time, or within 15 minutes of closing time.   Keep this in mind when scheduling if you need setup time prior to the start of your event.

Meeting Room Regulations

  1. The public meeting rooms are not available for fundraising or for-profit activities, purely social functions (e.g. receptions, birthday parties, showers, etc.) or activities that by their nature are or could be disruptive to normal Library operations (e.g. loud rallies or ceremonies). Noise resulting from public use of the meeting rooms must fall within levels that are acceptable and consistent with normal Library operations.
  2. No sales are allowed on any Library property.
  3. The Library reserves the right to review each prospective use and determine whether or not that use falls within the meeting room guidelines. Use of the premises may be terminated at any time if the conduct of the group, or any member of the group, is disruptive to Library service, abusive or dangerous to the building, Library materials, exhibits, furnishings or individuals in the building.
  4. The public meeting rooms must be reserved a minimum of 24 hours prior to the date and time needed.
  5. Groups using the meeting rooms are encouraged to restrict meeting times to a maximum of two hours.
  6. General courtesy and safety are expected. Individuals responsible for the meeting must ensure that all attendees know where the fire exits are located.
  7. The facility is smoke-free and alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the building.
  8. Library staff or representatives may enter the meeting rooms at any time and on any occasion.
  9. Animals (with the exception of Seeing Eye or registered assist dogs) may not be brought onto Library premises unless they are part of a Library sponsored program.
  10. It is the responsibility of the user organization to comply with the provisions of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), including providing an interpreter, if requested.

Food & Beverages

  1. Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be served in the Library meeting rooms. If there are spills or stains to the carpet or furnishings of the room, the users may incur cleaning charges.

DVD/Video Showings

  1. User organizations agree they will comply with copyright laws and will secure necessary performance licenses for DVD/video showings and exempt the Library for any failure to do so.


  1. Supplies stored in library cabinets and closets are not available for public use.
  2. The Library is not responsible for equipment or materials owned by an organization and used in the Library. Equipment and materials owned by others may not be stored at the Library.
  3. There is no charge for the use of Library equipment. Equipment is defined as a computer, television, and DVD player. The Library cannot provide operators for the equipment. If instruction is required for equipment operation, a representative of the group must set up an appointment with the meeting room coordinator in advance.


  1. Please call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel a meeting room reservation.  Failure to properly cancel a reservation may result in not being able to use the space for future functions.
  2. The Library may cancel confirmed reservations to accommodate Library sponsored activities. Library staff will notify meeting room users in the event of a cancellation.

Vacating the Rooms

  1. Users are expected to vacate rooms at the scheduled time as the same room may be used by several groups on one day.
  2. Users are expected to clean up the room when they have finished using the space.
  3. The meeting rooms must be vacated 15 minutes before closing time which means no later than the following times listed. A $100 fee may be charged if a group occupies the room beyond these times.


Monday – Thursday:  The room must be vacated by 7:45pm.

Friday:  The room must be vacated by 5:45pm

Saturday:  The room must be vacated by 2:45pm.


I have read through the Meeting Room Policy and agree to the terms and conditions as outlined.





Contact information (E-mail or Phone)



Library Policies

Room Reservation Policy

Thank you for choosing one of our meeting rooms at the McIntosh Memorial Library (hereafter known as Library). The meeting rooms are available to organizations that wish to promote an open forum for knowledge, ideas, and cultural enrichment. Meeting room requests...

Document Disposal

All documents stored at the McIntosh Memorial Library are stored according to the Record Retention Schedule for Wisconsin’s Public Libraries and Public Library Systems.  This schedule was adopted by the Wisconsin Public Records Board on February 27th, 2006. The...

Teen Gaming

Use Policies Users must read the McIntosh Memorial Library Teen Gaming Policy. The gaming kits (4 controllers, 4 headphones, 4 nunchucks, 4 coil wristbands, one headphone splitter, and one timer) will be available on a first-come, first served basis for WRLS...

Patron Grievance

Purpose:  The Patron Grievance Policy addresses patron complaints regarding library services, materials, procedures, policies, and staff conduct.  Library policies and procedures have been developed to provide fair and efficient service to all individuals.  Persons...

In House Technology Use Policy

Use Policies Users must read the McIntosh Memorial Library In-house Technology Use Agreement. The devices will be available on a first-come, first served basis to WRLS cardholders only. Patrons must be 14 years of age or over to check out or use the device. A current...

Electronic Communication System

The McIntosh Memorial Library is honored to display community event announcements on our Electronic Communication Systems (ECS) at no cost to non-profit and community organizations.  The announcements will be displayed on the library’s ECS system located at the...

Comfort Room

Purpose The comfort room in the Children’s Department at the McIntosh Memorial Library is for use by lactating staff or patrons for the purpose of privately expressing breast milk, nursing or calming small children and infants as needed. Policy The comfort room will...

Circulation Policy

A.  Registration All borrowers must be registered and must have a valid local or system library card to borrow library materials. Patrons must fill out an application form to register for a library card. The following statement will be printed on the registration form...

Art Display Wall & Display Cases

The McIntosh Memorial Library maintains exhibit space on the “Art Wall”, in display cases, or other spaces that the Library designates for exhibit display in the Library facility. The use of these spaces is intended to further the Library Vision and Mission as adopted...

Cell Phone Usage

Cell phone use is allowed in the building as long as conversations  are not bothering other patrons.  Library staff reserves the right to require that people having loud and/or extended conversations go to an area where they will not bother other people. Approved with...

Damaged Books

A book is considered “damaged” if it is returned to the library in a condition that requires extensive repair OR is unable to be repaired and cannot be returned to circulation.  Examples of damaged books include, but are not limited to, water damage, mold, writing on...

Concealed Carry

The McIntosh Memorial Library prohibits firearms and other weapons in the Library by anyone other than a law enforcement officer.

Personal Property

The Library staff will not be responsible for any patron’s personal property.  Staff cannot monitor personal property or hold personal property behind a desk or in a staff area for any patron.

Personal Messages

Library staff will not relay or take personal messages for patrons.  If it is determined that an emergency exists, Library staff will page the person needed. Approved with changes: April 20, 2017

Laptop Use Policy

MCINTOSH MEMORIAL LIBRARY LAPTOP USE POLICY & LOAN AGREEMENT Use Policies Users must read the McIntosh Memorial Library Laptop Loan Agreement. Laptop computers will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to WRLS cardholders only. Users must be at least...

Collection Development Policy

McIntosh Memorial Library Collection Development Policy  The McIntosh Memorial Library is committed to serving the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of all its patrons.  The Library has a responsibility to provide all individuals in the...

Public Relations Policy

The purpose of the public relations policy is to guide efforts to keep the community informed about the McIntosh Memorial Library’s mission, services, and resources and to foster a positive public image in order to maximize effective use and support. The objectives of...

McIntosh Memorial Library Use by the Public

The McIntosh Memorial Library will serve the public including all residents of the community and the Winding Rivers Library System area.  Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic, political status, mental, emotional, or...

Mission, Vision and Values

Mission, Vision & Values of the McIntosh Memorial Library   Our Vision The McIntosh Memorial Library is an inspiring beacon of lifelong learning, bringing knowledge alive, sparking imagination and creating possibility for a vibrant and creative Viroqua. Our...