Purpose: The Patron Grievance Policy addresses patron complaints regarding library services, materials, procedures, policies, and staff conduct. Library policies and procedures have been developed to provide fair and efficient service to all individuals. Persons who have experienced difficulties with a library service, policy, or staff member are encouraged to discuss those concerns with library staff. Library staff will attempt to resolve issues as quickly and fairly as possible. A patron may request to file a formal grievance if the issue cannot be resolved. Formal grievances are filed as follows.
Patron Grievance Procedure
A patron who wishes to file a formal grievance about a library policy, procedure, service, or staff member’s conduct should submit a written complaint to the Library Director. The written complaint should include the date of the complaint, the name, address, email address, and telephone number of the individual making the complaint and a detailed explanation of the issue. The Library Director will determine if the complaint should be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the McIntosh Memorial Library Board of Trustees. The patron will be informed of the decision and what action was taken regarding the incident.