- The McIntosh Memorial Library maintains exhibit space on the “Art Wall”, in display cases, or other spaces that the Library designates for exhibit display in the Library facility. The use of these spaces is intended to further the Library Vision and Mission as adopted by the Library Board and not for personal use.
- Exhibit spaces are available to organizations and individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, and other activities of interest.
- No fees will be charged to use a Library exhibit space or display case.
- All exhibits not sponsored by the Library must be approved by the Library staff. Since the Library sees a large number of visitors of all ages the staff will consider the appropriateness of the exhibit for those varied audiences. Library staff reserves the right to exclude submitted art for display.
- Exhibit spaces are available for up to four weeks and must be scheduled in advance. Scheduling may be limited as necessary to ensure access to the space for the entire community. Applicants must submit samples or photos of their work for preview.
- The Library does not assume responsibility or liability for materials exhibited in library facilities. Further, each individual or group is responsible for their own insurance coverage of the exhibit if needed, as McIntosh Memorial Library does not offer insurance protection.
- The Library may publicize exhibits, but is not obligated to do so.
- Hanging art must be matted and/or framed for display.
- The exhibit must include a clearly visible sign or title cards identifying the individual or group responsible for the exhibit. Contact information for the artist should be included. Displaying a price tag on the art pieces is prohibited.
- Display cases are available for 3D art.
- Each exhibitor is responsible for the installation and removal of the exhibit at the time and in the manner specified when the exhibit is scheduled. Exhibitors must supply all materials needed for installation. The Library may assess fees if exhibits are not removed in a timely manner.
- Users will assume responsibility for any damage to Library property resulting from their use of Library facilities. The Library may assess charges for damage.
- The Library reserves the right to cancel a reservation for exhibit space if the space is required for use by the Library or Library related organizations.
- Applications in advance must be received by the 15th of the month prior to display date.
- The applications for reservations are available by contacting the Adult Programming and Outreach staff member at [email protected] or calling 608-637-7151 ext. 7.