Use Policies
- Users must read the McIntosh Memorial Library In-house Technology Use Agreement.
- The devices will be available on a first-come, first served basis to WRLS cardholders only.
- Patrons must be 14 years of age or over to check out or use the device.
- A current WRLS card will be required to check out the device.
- The technology devices are for in-Library use only and may not be taken outside of the library building.
- The devices should not be left unattended at any time. Devices found unattended by library staff will be immediately returned to the checkout desk.
- At the end of the loan period the device must be returned to the Adult Check out desk.
- The library is not responsible for any user files.
- Printing will be available at a cost of $.25 per sheet for black and white and $1.00 per sheet for color.
Loan Period
- Devices can be checked out for up to four hours per day.
- Devices cannot be renewed.
- Devices not returned will be considered lost/stolen and the user will be billed for the full replacement fees. The Viroqua Police Department will also be notified of the computer theft.
Fines and Replacements
- The user will be responsible for the full replacement cost.
- The overdue fine on the computer is $50.00 per day.
I accept full responsibility for the technical device and accessories that I am borrowing. I understand that I am responsible for the costs of repairing (parts and labor costs) or replacing this device, components, and accessories if they are damaged, lost, or stolen while it is checked out to me.