About Us

Serving the Viroqua area since 1898, the McIntosh Memorial Library houses a collection of over 40,000 items, 15 public Internet computers, wireless Internet access and is a member of the Winding Rivers Library System. Our library participates in WRLSWEB, the online shared card catalog, which allows patrons to search for and receive materials from libraries in our seven-county region. We offer online programming for patrons of all ages with a special emphasis on children’s programming for youth ages 2 – 18.
Vision & Mission
Vision: McIntosh Memorial Library is an inspiring beacon of lifelong learning, bringing knowledge alive, sparking imagination and creating possibility for a vibrant and creative Viroqua.
Mission: To provide a trusted, accessible and globally-connected library and information service so as to promote a knowledgeable and engaged society. We are a cornerstone to the community and are a vital, accountable, active participants within it. We provide leadership in a rapidly changing world. We shape our collections, facilities and services in order to be sensitive and responsive to community needs and aspirations.
We value:
- all people and their diversity
- intellectual freedom
- access for all
- the right of individuals to learn and grow
- quality service
- teamwork and staff development
- innovation and responsiveness to community needs
- partnerships–shared contributions of employees, Board members, Friends and supporters
- careful stewardship of the public trust, which ensures accountability and makes the most efficient and effective use of funds, both public and private; fosters collaboration, cooperation and co-location where possible with other agencies; and builds public/private partnerships to enhance services to our users
Organizational Values
Service to our users is our reason for being. Those who need us most should be our highest priority.
- All employees, volunteers and friends of the Library are valued as human beings and for their important contributions to our service.
- We are a learning organization that is open, collegial, and risk-taking; we nurture our talents and each other and constantly reassess our services and methods to adapt to the changing needs of our community.
- We support and defend intellectual freedom and the confidentiality of borrowers’ and inquirers’ use of the Library.
- All Library services are provided in a nonpartisan and non-judgmental manner that is sensitive to and supportive of human differences.
- Both staff and patrons are encouraged to laugh often and out loud.
Framework for the Future: Core Principles
We are:
- Committed to children, teens and families.
- Striving to serve seniors in accessible settings.
- Leaders in technology.
- Providers of facilities designed and constructed to be flexible and sustainable.
- Judicious stewards of the public’s financial investment.
- Creators of partnerships that contribute to the goals of the community and Library.
Library Board
- Kathy Hanson – [email protected]
- Terry O’Connor – [email protected]
- Darlene Buhr – [email protected]
- Tom Burkhalter – [email protected]
- Cyndy Hubbard – [email protected]
- Sarah Mayer – [email protected]
- Carson LaBelle – [email protected]
Kathy Hanson
[email protected]
Terry O’Connor
[email protected]
Darlene Buhr
[email protected]
Tom Burkhalter
[email protected]
Cyndy Hubbard
[email protected]
Sarah Mayer
[email protected]
Carson LaBelle
[email protected]