A. Registration
- All borrowers must be registered and must have a valid local or system library card to borrow library materials.
- Patrons must fill out an application form to register for a library card. The following statement will be printed on the registration form for the patron’s information and acceptance:
I agree to be responsible for all items borrowed with the library card issued in the above name, including items borrowed with it by others with or without my consent, unless I have previously reported the loss of my card. I promise to comply with all library rules and policies, both present and future, and to give prompt notice of change of address or loss of library card.
- Identification is required to register for or to renew an expired library card. Applicants must provide identification in the form of a driver’s license, student ID, state issued ID, or passport.
- Applicants under 18 years of age must have the written consent of a parent or guardian on the application form to get a library card. Applicants under the age of 18 must also sign the application below the parental signature.
B. Lost Cards
- If a patron loses his/her library card, he/she should notify the library staff.
- All patrons, are required to present a library card. In lieu of, a passport, state issued ID, student ID, or driver’s license can be used to check out items.
- There is no charge for a replacement card. A new patron registration card shall be filled out to obtain a replacement.
C. Loan Periods
- For current loan periods please review the “Checkout Information” handout available at the Circulation Desk.
- The Director may establish the loan period for special collections, materials which are temporarily in great demand, or as deemed necessary.
D. Return of Materials
Materials owned by the McIntosh Memorial Library may be returned at any library in the state of Wisconsin. Please note the patron is responsible for the materials until they are returned to the owning Library.
E. Reserves
Reserves may be placed by patrons either in person, over the phone, or online. Patrons will be notified by telephone, text, or e-mail when the materials are available. The reserve item will be held for seven days.
F. Fines and Charges
- Fines
- Fines will be charged for overdue library materials according to a schedule set by the Library Board of Trustees. For current fine rates, please review the “Checkout Information” handout available at the Circulation Desk.
- No fines will accrue on days the library is closed.
- Patrons will lose checkout privileges if they have fines over $10, charges for lost materials or billed items. To restore checkout privileges, these fines charges, or billed items must be cleared from the borrower’s record.
- Patrons will receive overdue notices according to their registration preferences.
- Lost Materials
- Charges for lost materials are based upon the replacement cost. Plus, a processing fee of $5.00/item.
- Once an item is paid for, the library will not issue a refund even if the lost item is found.
G. Damaged Materials
Patrons will be assessed the replacement cost for a damaged item if it is too damaged to circulate, this includes broken cases and missing barcodes. The patron must pay the replacement cost plus a $5.00 processing fee. The patron may receive the damaged material when they have paid in full for the item.
H. Confidentiality
- The relevant Wisconsin laws concerning the confidentiality of library records are Wisconsin Statutes Section 43.30 and the Wisconsin Personal Information Practices Act (sections 19.62 to 19.80).
- Under Section 43.30, library records which indicate the identity of any individual who borrows or uses the library’s documents or other materials, resources or services may be only be disclosed:
- With the consent of the individual library user, or
- By court order, or
- To custodial parents or guardians of children under the age of 16, or
- To persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system, or
- To other libraries (under certain circumstances) for interlibrary loan purposed [see ss. 43.30 (2) and (3)
- The McIntosh Memorial Library adheres strictly to all sections of this statute regarding the protection of the confidentiality of its users.
Adopted: 5/9/09
Revised: 6/16/11
Adopted w/revisions: 6/20/11
Approved with changes: July 20, 2017