Use Policies
- Users must read the McIntosh Memorial Library Teen Gaming Policy.
- The gaming kits (4 controllers, 4 headphones, 4 nunchucks, 4 coil wristbands, one headphone splitter, and one timer) will be available on a first-come, first served basis for WRLS cardholders only who are 13 -19 years old.
- The contents of the kit are to be used in the Teen Area of the Library only.
- Games must be checked out from the Children or Teen Areas only. No outside games can be used.
- At the end of the loan period, the kit and all of its contents must be returned to the circulation desk.
- The kits should not be left unattended at any time. Kits found unattended by library staff will be immediately returned to the circulation desk.
- All gamers must have a signed policy on file.
Loan Period
- The kit can be checked out for up to one hour per day.
- The kit can be renewed for an additional hour if there is no one waiting to use it.
Fines and Replacements
- The user will be responsible for the full replacement cost.
- The overdue fine on the Gaming Kit is $50.00 per day.
I accept full responsibility for the Gaming Kit and accessories that I am borrowing. I understand that I am responsible for the costs of repairing (parts and labor costs) or replacing this device, components, and accessories if they are damaged, lost, or stolen while it is checked out to me.