After School Program

Save the After School Program Fundraiser

The families of McIntosh Memorial Library’s After School Program have formed a parents group in order to raise the necessary funding to support the operations of the After School Program.

They are currently seeking to fundraise for the operational costs of the After School Program by Friday, August 9th using the online service of

$35,000 total will secure the After School Program to operate Mondays through Fridays from September of 2024 – July 2025.

$24,000 total will secure the After School Program to operate Mondays through Thursdays from September of 2024 – May 2025.

Donate online through the link below. Checks can be written to the “Friends of McIntosh Memorial Library” and submitted to the library’s front desk. Cash is also accepted.

If the fundraising goal is met, registration for the After School Program 2024-2025 school year will be held on Monday, August 12th. (More information will be announced in July 2024.)

If the goal is not met, donors can request refunds. Please see GoFundMe’s Help Center for more refund information.

Save the After School Program Fundraiser


DISCLAIMER: Donated funds are restricted to the operational costs of the After School Program and do not in any way furbish McIntosh Memorial Library’s yearly budget. All crowd-funding efforts are under the auspices of the ASP Families Solutions Group and organize independently from McIntosh Memorial Library. McIntosh Memorial Library’s Board and staff approve of their organization, efforts, and crowdfunding.


PRESS: May 2024

McIntosh Memorial Library After School Program to End

The McIntosh Memorial Library in partnership with Viroqua Area Schools has provided a free After School Program since 2017.  The program began with 30 students and has expanded to 50 students for the 2023-2024 program.  In total over 200 elementary aged children have had the opportunity to participate in the enrichment program.

As a program partner, Viroqua Area Schools has provided daily transportation for the registered participants and funding to pay for the program staff.  Viroqua School District Administrator Tom Burkhalter has high praise for the program and has appreciated the opportunity to partner with the library.  Unfortunately, due to a budget deficit, the school district is no longer in a financial position where funding the program is possible.

“The McIntosh Memorial Library has been honored to host such a wonderful program over the years.  We recognize the childcare crisis in our community, and we know the After School Program made a difference for many families” said Library Director Trina Erickson.

The After School Program will continue to operate through the end of the 2023-2024 school year and in June and July during the time of the school district’s Summer School Program.  The final day of the program will be Friday, July 26, 2024.

“Thank you to Viroqua Area Schools, the Viroqua Area Foundation, the Viroqua Lion’s Club, and so many other organizations, businesses, and individuals for supporting this program.  Running an After School Program the way we have is unique for a public library.  We’re very proud of what we have been able to accomplish,” said Erickson.

Questions about the program may be directed to the McIntosh Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Laci Sheldon at 608-637-7151 or the Viroqua Area Schools District Office at 608-637-1186.


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