Personal Property

The Library staff will not be responsible for any patron’s personal property.  Staff cannot monitor personal property or hold personal property behind a desk or in a staff area for any patron.

Personal Messages

Library staff will not relay or take personal messages for patrons.  If it is determined that an emergency exists, Library staff will page the person needed. Approved with changes: April 20, 2017

Laptop Use Policy

MCINTOSH MEMORIAL LIBRARY LAPTOP USE POLICY & LOAN AGREEMENT Use Policies Users must read the McIntosh Memorial Library Laptop Loan Agreement. Laptop computers will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to WRLS cardholders only. Users must be at least...

Collection Development Policy

McIntosh Memorial Library Collection Development Policy  The McIntosh Memorial Library is committed to serving the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of all its patrons.  The Library has a responsibility to provide all individuals in the...

Public Relations Policy

The purpose of the public relations policy is to guide efforts to keep the community informed about the McIntosh Memorial Library’s mission, services, and resources and to foster a positive public image in order to maximize effective use and support. The objectives of...