Caregiver / Educator Library Card Accounts

Caregiver/ Educator Cards (CGEs) are issued to individuals that are providing education, licensed residential care, or licensed day care to others in the City of Viroqua. The Caregiver / Educator Cards do not accrue late fees on books checked out at the McIntosh Memorial Library.

What are the benefits of a CGE?

  • Keep personal and organizational checkouts separate.
  • No overdue fees on books.
  • Check out up to 100 books on the CGE card.
  • A six-week checkout on books with one renewal.

Who is eligible?

  • Educators or caregivers from any public, private, parochial or charter school in the City of Viroqua.
  • Licensed Child Care providers in the City of Viroqua.
  • Caregivers at any licensed residential facility in the City of Viroqua.

How do I apply?

  • Contact the Library by calling (608) 637-7151 x 6. Ask if you are eligible to receive an application and have your personal library account number available. Or stop by the Library Front Desk. Library staff will verify your information in regard to your eligibility.
  • Then, if you qualify, the CGE card application will be available for you to pick up at the Library’s Front Desk. Or it can be mailed to you
  • Next, complete the CGE card application. Make an appointment to submit the application in person by calling the library at 637-7151 x4. Bring your completed application along with a photo ID to your appointment at the McIntosh Memorial Library. You will also need a copy of verification of current employment; or, for sole proprietors, a copy of your facility’s license. Please call the library if you have questions or are unable to apply in person.
  • After review, your CGE application will be authorized. You will be contacted once the review process is completed to finalize the process.

What if I check out items other than books with my caregiver/educator card?

  • Normal checkout periods, fines, and renewals will apply. There are no special benefits for items other than books.

Who is responsible for the items checked out to a CGE account?

  • You are the party responsible for the safe return of these materials and any associated replacement costs for lost items or overdue fees for WRLS member library items. However, you may be able to negotiate with your organizations, school, or facility to offset those costs.

Do CGE cards expire?

  • Cards expire yearly on October 1st. You can renew your card by calling the library. Your CGE card and personal card must be in good standing to renew.

My CGE card expired! Is it still in good standing?

  • You must maintain a balance of $10.00 or less, and there must be no billed or lost items on your account to be considered in good standing. You may renew your card annually.

I already have a personal library card. Can you change it to a CGE?

  • You should maintain your personal card and use your CGE for the items associated with your work or classroom.
  • Your personal card must be in good standing to be able to apply for a CGE card.

Where can I use my CGE card?

  • Your card can be used at any WRLS member library. However, owning library fines may apply.

Questions? Please call the library at 637-7151 x6.